The Guilt of Eve

Going about my day thinking about a lot of garbage and the the thought hit me “Why are women still taking all this crap from men?”. For a while no answer sprung up, then I started to ponder the scene in the garden of Eden. Eve supposedly messed up by eating the fruit, felt very guilty for costing them their life in paradise then decided to let Adam dominate her. Adam must have bitched about it for a pretty long time for Eve to have caved this much. The one mistake she made was passing this guilt to other women as the way women ought to be around men. With time this guilt became culture and like every bad dish, more condiments were added to salvage it. It grew into what girls could play with, what girls could wear, when a woman can speak, etc. Doesn’t it sound intellectually crippling when you hear of a woman who gone so far with her education only to end up in the kitchen? The guilt of Eve. The reasoning and physiology of men and women are no different. Let a girl do rough sports from infancy and she’ll hunt bears in adulthood. Give a mop and a broom informing her to take care of the house and she’ll never leave. It is all psychological. After all a woman can carry another person for nine months, log firewood, cook, clean and in some cultures go to the farm all at the same time while the men sit still. I think it is about time women stop feeling sorry for something that supposedly happened thousands of years ago. Adam messed up as much. He had the choice not to eat the fruit but he did.

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